The city of Oldenburg had suspended a fine proceedings against the person concerned in accordance with § 205 StPO in conjunction with § 46 OWiG, because from the point of view of the authority this could not be reached by post.
Such a suspension fundamentally interrupts the current limitation period of the administrative offence.
In the specific case, however, it was not apparent from the notice of opposition that this was a case-by-case decision. However, such is necessary for the statute-breaking effect (Higher Regional Court Celle, Decision of 08.06.1998, Az .: 22 Ss 22/98).
After the district court of Oldenburg did not agree with this view, it became known in the proceedings that the employees of the fine proceedings authority were even instructed to record suspensions according to § 205 StPO expressly on hand slips in writing.
This lead to the district court Oldenburg still suspending the proceedings.